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Texture scalling


New member
Ok, so i've started using a bumpmap to illustrate some materials in a model (mainly sheet metal parts). How do I force the same texture scale onto all of the parts that use it??

EX: I've got 3 different metal sheets with different dims. I could setup 3 different colors, one for each scale. I could apply the texture to each component in on the assembly level. But to be honest, I really don't want to do either of these.

Is there a workaround for this, or am I doomed to busy work in order to pull this off?
Hi rubrgr,

I had to do some parts in checkerplate, so I found a bmp map that suited my purposes.

Then indeed, the scale of each part became a factor, since they were seen side-by side in the assembly.

What I ended up doing is making a sketched dtm curve that consists of two sets of lines at 45 degrees to the edge of the plate, and 1" apart, kind of like a diamond pattern. I saved the sketch, and applied the sketch to each of the parts as needed. That way I had something to scale my checkerplate bmp map to.

Hope this helps.


