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Thickness range

Ketan Mistry

New member
Dear all,
Error: Range Problem:
Command:- Extrude with thicken.

Square Hollow section dimension is
50 x 50 x 1.6 Thickness x 2000 Length (In MM)

I could not do it. can you help me?
Any setting available in Pro E ?
Change your part accuracy. Default relative accuracy is .012 and your part needs .0008 or less. Better still, change to absolute accuracy.
I work with long parts and assemblies often with hollow sections. I have found that as my assembly grows, the minimum thickness for a thin protrusion increases.
When Proe determines that you are trying to create too thin a part, I have found 3 ways to overcome this problem.
1)Create the extrusion using Proe's default thickness and then edit the wall thickness after the feature creation.
2)Create the part (box section for example) as a solid, then create a new cut feature (or shell feature-although the shell sometimes fails due to wall thickeness).
3)If I erase all parts from memory, I can then create my part with the standard default accuracy and not have a problem with wall thickness.
Not sure if this is a bug in the software but it seems strange that if there are numerous long parts in memory ( not necessarily in an open assembly) then Proe will not let you create a thin feature with the same wall thickness as when you are starting with nothing in memory!

As an example, only yesterday I was working on my main assembly (11 metres long consisting of various hollow sections) and I tried to create (not in the assembly)a 40x40x3 square hollow section. Proe informed me that my 3mm wall in my thin protrusion was out of range and the minimum is 23.5899mm. I "erase not displayed" and tried again with no issues at all.

Hope this helps.
Edited by: wendash
dr_gallup you told me that
Default relative accuracy is .012 and your part needs .0008 or less. Better still, change to absolute accuracy.

why not part accuracy ?
And i tried to change default abt_accuracy ....but there was nothing change in Thickness range. so tell me How much value for this.?
but yes part accuracy changed then it is effected on thickness range.
i solve my problem by using Relative accuracy,not abt accuracy.

Thanks for solutin dr_gallup.

Thanks to wendash also. your 1st way not applicable.same problem occur.
yes 2nd and 3rd is possible but i think it is long process and wrong way.

Thanks to garymig

One more thing i had problem in SWEEP THIN PROTUSION not EXtrude thicken.
Minor correction,the defaut relative accuracy is 0.0012. Some notes that may help in understanding where the range comes from is to know how relative and absolute accuracies are defined. Relative is the ratio of the shortest model edge to the longest diagonal on a bounding box that encloses the part. Depending on the version of ProE you're using you see different definitions (this was from WF5 help). Absolute is the smallest recognized size. To get a close approximation for the range I found it better to always keep it as a ratio. There are several factors that seem to affect the range given including accuracy_lower_bound, number of decimal places, rounding, and, guessing on this, tolerances. For instance you may find if you changed the relative accuray to 0.001 it might accept it. Depending on the decimal places and whatever other factors are involved you might get smaller range values than expected.


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