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Thin Wall Problems


New member
I am attempting to run mechanica on a model of a thin walled model plane with a support structure that will be created from a mold to see if it can withstand the wieght of the wings that will be attached to it. I have never used mechanica on anything this complex, and needless to say I am having much difficulty in producing results. The first problem we ran into was the msengine error that stopped the running of the analysis, and I read that a shell feature is recommended for thin walled parts to reduce the time and complexity of the part. How does one go about doing this? Are there any tutorials you might reccomend? Thanks!
Also, this is the error I am getting when I tried using shell:

Fatal Error; Run Terminated
Fri Aug 17, 2007 14:26:28
Mechanica could not generate elements for all of the
entities in the model. To view the model with elements,
open the study model in Mechanica's independent
mode. You can then run error checking interactively and
examine the model further.

If the model does not contain any elements, return to
Pro/ENGINEER and transfer the model to independent
mode. Then, mesh the geometry using AutoGEM and use the
diagnostic messages to identify the problem areas.
Hi Chris

I don't know any tutorials other than the Pro/E Tutorial (or anything in English)
Which Pro/E version do you use?

How do you build your model? If it is done with thin extrusiond or shells, the possibility of using the middle plane feature in mechanica exists.
The Auto - Discovery is a neat feature which provides usually good results.

Best would be to post the model so we could take a look at it (as well as try to solve the fatal run message).

