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Hi. I created a curve using "From Equation" by cartesian method. But i cant create sweep using that curve. Whats the problem? i created a equation as x=t*10, y=t*15.

With regards,

I tried this using the equation you provided and I had no problem. From the sound of it you're probably just having trouble with the Sweep command. I don't know what version you're using but the steps are basically as follows...

After you have your curve, start your sweep. You have the option tosketch a trajectory here or select an existing one. Since you already have your curve created,select it for your trajectory.

If you've gotten this far my guess is that you're having trouble with the projection of your section plane. Depending on how you want your sweep to look, you need to either select "Normal to Trajectory" (+a reference), "Normal to Projection" (+a reference), or "Constant Normal Direction" (+a reference). Also, what does your section look like? If it overlaps itself as it follows the trajectory this could be a problem. (Although the trajectory you gave is too simple to cause this to happen)

If you are using Wildfire, I thought of one other small thing that might be giving you a problem. I got stuck with this when I first started using it too...

Since "Sweep" and "Variable Section Sweep" are combined into one tool now, you need to specify in the Options tab on your dashboard whether it's a Variable or Constant section.

Hope this helps.
Edited by: jkasallis
Its now ok. Thanks jkasallis,

The problem is not with the Projection method. The problem is "X direction reference at start". For other curves, the direction will be default. But for this curve, we have to define the direction by selecting the x axis of default co-ordinate system or any other edge in the x direction.

I am using WF2. Thank u.

with regards,

Sendhil kumar

