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hello my name is asif

i have a problem about measuring of different irregular shapes componants.i am using pro_engineer from last 1 year but still i am feelling that i have nothing about pro_engineer .actually my problem is that i want to make a this glasses or computer mouse or any automotive part .but how can i measure that parts the part is in my hand but i dont know how do i measure it??another thing that i can not afford 3d scanner.some people say we are using (height gauge ,surface plate,different callipers,)i know only one thing that they are using height gauge for collecting the points in X,Y,z direction then then with the help of pro_engineer they use x,y,z, direction data for makes the diffrnent 3d lines and then surface and solid a nd comlete the part.can any one tell me how i can use height gauge for collecting points from part for this learning purpose i spend my one month salary in that instruments.but still i am handi .can any one tell me .or any refereence book or website .please this is my life surviving matter.
dear Friend,

You just take that component to the cmm measuring machine, The machine will give the coordinate points of your component, Using that text file you can create the model in pro/e
If I remember well, there is some other possibility. You can make mesh of lines on your mouse, glasses,... using Magic Marker or something like that.Then make photos from above and two side directions and then put those photos in pro/engineer. Then you can use Style feature to createcurves using mesh on your photos, and using thesecurves you can create surfaces. So you can recreate existing part using photos taken from orthogonal directions. Then you can do what ever you want, even to measure it.

I must admit that I have never done things that I've just write about, but I read some tutorials on that subject.

Wish you success. Hope you will give us a clueif you managed to do it.
denisvragolan said:
...Then make photos from above and two side directions and then put those photos in pro/engineer. Then you can use Style feature to createcurves using mesh on your photos, and using thesecurves you can create surfaces...

I must admit that I have never done things that I've just write about, but I read some tutorials on that subject.



I am very interested in the subject too!

Tell me please,

where can I read/get this tutorials?

so in the same way PTC push Pro\e to biuld models on old documentation - dwg. etc.

So You can just scan Your paper. Save it in type that pro\e can see it dwg, iges there are more but I do not remmember. Than when You open it You will have this menu to edit what You already has imported. So You can choose which line You want to use and You make curve or make sketch. So You make at least two views from two direction of model - lef and bottom for example. Than You import it make curves and basing on these curves You make projection(3D) curve and that is all


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