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Hi frnds,

Could any one tell the difference between mater rep, geomentry rep and graphics rep while using simplified representation? Im not able to get the difference, If i click means it gives a error message that graohics and geomentry rep are not available for this model. Thanks in advance.
download the Help Topic Collection from the ptc web site and read the sections that pertain to simplified reps. You will learn more about the different optins that way.
1. geometry rep.- model geometry is solid and avaible for selection. however, you can not select or modify the individual features. the model regenerates faster than the master rep.

2. graphic rep.-model geometry is not solid or avaible for selection. the model regenerates faster than master or geometry rep.

3. symbolic rep.- model geometry is not aviable for selection, is repsented by a datum piont and regenerates faster than the others.

4. master rep.- is the assembly itself and you know it takes for ever to regenerate.
Edited by: arroyopr


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