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New member
I want to connect a datum curve with another datum curve but I don't know what to do!Anyone can tell me how!!thanks a lot!!
if the datum curve is on a single plane then you can redefine the datum curve by taking the other curve as a reference and just join itusing the constrains.if this does not work then you will have to give us more info so that we can understand the problem(the problem defination is not clear).A pic would do the job.


Deepak Bhat
I cant help you with your question.

I can give you some advice though;

- Headings should be specific, remember ticking the box after you read the link before posting?

If you are dealing with curves in two different planes, place a datum point and then a datum plane on both ends of your first curve. Then draw your 2nd curve near the first (it will not let youpick the point as a starting point at first). Now this is important, you must open your constraint menu, Pick the point to point constraint (its a circle with a dot) and fix the two curves together. You may need right click and chose from list option to get datum point.Repeat steps for all 4 curves and then use your surface feature menu to complete your surfave.

View attachment 2763

Best of Luck
tuananh17061982 said:
I want to connect a datum curve with another datum curve but I don't know what to do!Anyone can tell me how!!thanks a lot!!

Not much to go on but try datum-curve "between points"
By now you probably know this, but here is the quicky!

If the two curves are connected as some point, here is a possible solution to create the composite curve.

Select the first curve and use the copy/paste functions. On the dashboard go to the references Tab. Click the Details button. Hold down the Control key and select as many additional curves as you like. You can use the shift button to automatically select tangent curves or boundry curves. If it will highlight a curve but not let you select it with the control button down than the two curves don't actually meet at one point!


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