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We just purchase a new Xerox 6030 plotter and I am unable to make it properly print from Pro. We are running WF 2.0 M140. I tried PTC but because the plotter is not certified (there are no digital plotter certified) they said they can not help.

Please any suggestions are welcome.


Data Formats
- HPGL; HPGL/2; HP-RTL C4; FileNET; CalComp 906/907/951/PCI; TIFF 6.0;
NIRS; CALS 1 & 2; Compression applicable raster formats): CCITT G4,
G3-1D, G3-2D, Packbits, RLE, Seed Row, Adaptive
Optional - Adobe
Postscript 3 with PDF support, CGM (Level 1 with ATA ext.), Versatec
Data Standards (including VRF, ordered vector, blocked raster, and
compacted raster), VCGL

If you have the optional Postscript interpreter I would try plotting out of Pro/E to generic postscript. If not, try HPGL2, CalComp or TIFF.
Thanks, that worked well. However, I can not control the media selection on the machine now. I have a 2 roll machine and for some reason I can only use roll 1 to plot form Pro. Let me know if you have any sugestions for this.

Thanks Again

