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New member
hi all,

pls can anybody clear me that what is Redundancy in mechanism.

ie, when i usingCylinder and Planar constrains insteed of Pin jointsa Redundancy of 2 is resulting. but felt that conceptualy constrains are same for both. Pls clear me abt this...

degrees of freedom

each connection type has a specific rotation and translation degree of freedom assigned to it.

The connection types and their degrees of freedom in both rotation and translation are shown below:-

Connection type; Degrees of freedom; Description

rotati on, translation

rigid 0&nbsp ; 0 component has no motion relative to other component.

pin 1&nbsp ; 0 component rotates about an axis.

slider 0&nbsp ; 0 component translates along an axis.

cylinder 1 1 component translates along and rotates about an axis

planar 1 2"can move in a plane + rotate about an axis normal to a plane

ball 3&nbsp ; 0 component rotates about a point

bearing 3 1component rotates about a point and translates along an axis

weld 0 0 component has no motion relative totheother component

