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Thoughts on Creo 2


Super Moderator
We are moving from WF4 to Creo 2. I would be interested in your thoughts on Creo 2....faster....slower...problems, other than getting used to the ribbon interface.
Surfacing tools are a godsend. Fantastic.

Ribbon interface is OK. I guess it's the wave of the future or whatever, sowe'll go with it. I think sketcher is probably better overall once you figure out the correct workflows.

The config optionsthing where it deposits a separate file in your working directory if anything changes is starting to become annoying

Importing & exporting assemblies is an unbelievable trainwreck. What the hell did they do to screw it up so badly?
mgnt8, thanks for your reply. It sounds like surfacing is the biggest improvement, unfortunately I don't use surfacing
I haven't had a chance to use Creo 2 yet just saw one of the engineers playing with it. I wasn't thrilled by the ribbon interface, but I guess I will figure it out.

Edited by: Volunteer
mgnt8 said:
Importing & exporting assemblies is an unbelievable trainwreck. What the hell did they do to screw it up so badly?

What is the problem? Is this something that might get corrected in a later build or is the process completely hosed?
dr_gallup said:
What is the problem? Is this something that might get corrected in a later build or is the process completely hosed?

Large assemblies either come in with surfaces hopelessly fubared or the session just simply crashes, putting you and it out of its misery. I resorted to only using WF 5 to open big import assembly files then switching back to Creo. There's a clear difference between what an imported assembly looks like in WF 5 and the mess that results in Creo.

Exporting is weird. When exporting STEP, all the components get jumbled out of place, but with IGES, they seem to be fine. Didn't happen in Creo 1.0. Not sure if I'm missing a new config option of if it's a bug.
I heard from our sales guy (who talks all day on the phone with customers) that there was a problem with the draft check tools? I haven't re created the issue tho.

