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why pro E threads are not like inventer threads (visable)

  • .hole

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  • cosmatic

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New member

i am using ProE last 5 year. and last month i make a project (assembly) for presentation to my boss.
because i want that my boss purchase WF 3.0 for our company.

same to my project my colleige make project in Iventer for same target i mean to purchase inventer-10.

my boss check our projects and decide to purchase inventer-10. because of one reson that inventer threads are seen like threads. but proe not display threads like inventer.
i know proe is very powerfull software instead of inventer and i very much like proe but my boss is not agree with me. because only threads display.hole thread and cosmatic thread is no sufficiant to impress to new users that not know about proe deeply.we mostly using proe for drg creation,presentation,and analyses.

plz in next version i mean after 3.0 make the make this module (thread) like inventer type some it will be very power full idea to conviance or present some one.
thank you.

threads display -threads display- threads display
In Pro-e helical cuts CHEW cpu time.

i agree Inventor style is hell of a lot better. i beleive that inventor though simply adds a texture to the threaded surface. rather than show a helical cut.
I only use helical cuts to show threads when absolutely necessary. Most of the time, for internal threads, I use the hole function. For external threads, if a standard fastener, we may not even show threads, cosmetic or otherwise. I have seen the Inventor threads and they are pretty good, but I think that standard fasteners can be shown in their simplest form.
In Solid Edge (like in Inventor) threads are "visible". They are shown green when in wireframe and shading, and shown as threads when shading with texture. A threaded hole is a hole which has thread attribute turned on, accompanied with the correct thread attributes. More or less the same way you can add thread to a cilinder. An external file holds all thread definitions and steers at what distance the lines for external and internal diameters of the thread are shown. Thread is fixed to the surface, so that it moves with the part when doing exploded views, and doesn't lead a life of its own as in ProE. Interference checking "knows" what thread is and will ignore overlapping volumes at that point. You can not apply thread to a cilindrical surface when the diameter doesn't match a feasable value in the thread definitions.

Helical cutouts are fine for two single components, when you have to make lifelike images. For anything else it is madness.

My 2 eurocents.

"my boss check our projects and decide to purchase inventer-10. because of one reson that inventer threads are seen like threads."

no one needs to see threads unless they are stupid, marketing or both.
or maybe an SLA is being made and you want last years cap to screw on this
years new prototype ... If you call out threads then there is less
chance for misshap. You needs to see threads then you model them.

If the person in charge chose Inventor it was over price not threads unless ??? Maybe he is stupid. Maybe your boss should see this thread.

Edited by: design-engine
I agree that the thread side of Pro-E is very weakin comparisonto the other major cad software out there like SolidWorks or Inventor. The system gives very little room for variations in the approach. At my company we make designs to exact detail so everything can be examined without adding notes or confusion to process, as well as giving the ability to produce SLA prototypes, export files for customer viewing, etc. One 3D file for multiple uses!

I often find a horrible amount of time wasted in making threads and simple geometrythat isn't to standard,especially ifthreads are tapered circular groove threads that must be perfectly tangent all aroundwithout flats involved, costrained to geomentry not on an axis, or constrained to changinggeometry not revolving with the threads. I find it very annoying that a thread sketch can't be created using the "createan entity from an edge" sketch tool, or even simply having a dimension to a stationary edge... threads are of the most commonly used features in 3D modeling of parts and components,

If I were to make suggestions, it would be to remove the restrictions (or allowthem to be toggled on and off) for self intersecting geometry. As well, allow draft to be put on a feature in the feature creation process rather than after it, as a seperate feature. Also allow extrusions, sweeps, and blends to be created without being "normal to" their trajectorysketch or direction, like creating a rhombus in 1 easy sweep!Make "mirror w/ rotation" available on feature and sketch levels, give the "create an entity from an edge" tool an option to allow the user to choose what direction to draw from. That's enough for now.

Not trying to be a winer, but 3D modeling is a field that demands speed, look, accuracy, and versatility, as well as simplicity in process. Make a program that gives this to the users, and you will have allot of successful 3D modelers out there getting by easy thanks to you!

