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Tidying the model tree in WF2


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I have created a model of a plastic moulding, but to make it generate better I have re-orders some of the features.

So now for example the feature tree reads

Extrude 1
Extrude 4
Extrude 5
Extrude 2
Extrude 3
Extrude 6
I do not think there is a way, but if you go to the trouble of renaming features, I would suggest naming them in a meaningful way rather than Extrusion 1, 2, 3 ...
One thng I got used to on Unigraphics UG was the ability to have an
extrusion and a sketch with identical names. UG didn't care as long as
they were different types of features.

One way I've gotten around this would be to give an abbreviation string
like DTM for Datum Planes, PT for points, EXT for extrusions and _ for
sketch so EXT_MAIN would have DTM_MAIN and _MAIN as it's parent and
RND_MAIN_SD as it's child feature.

one good thing about naming this way is that you can create layer rules
to aoutomaticaly put items on layers for instance boundary blends could
be put on a separate layer from basic surfaces if they had names like
BBL_01 BBL_02 etc.

Another good tip for helping to reorder the model tree which will some
times give errors like cant insert before after group. To make feature
reorder easier especially when dealing with suppressed features and
groups is to create noes or points at 0,0,0 that get descriptive names
like START_SD_FEAT END_SIDE FEAT. since the points only depend on
the def_csys they can be put anywhere and features can be put before or
after them with no problems.

One thing I like about newer versions of UGNX is that it will
automatically show you a features parents and children by highlighting
them Red and Blue respectively. It would be nice to see Pro/E do
something like this because Parent Child info is a lot more tedious to
use for investigating relationships.



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