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to creat .jpeg and .mpeg


New member
how can creat a .jpegand bitap image of an exploded assemply ?

how can i create a .mpeg(movie) for an simulation of a assembly?


Creating a JPEG image of a model is pretty simple. Just choose File > Save a Copy and select JPEG from the drop-down list.

For an exploded view, though, first you have to choose View > Explode > Edit Position. Select a motion reference (e.g., an axis that defines the direction you want to move components) and then drag components to the location you want them to be. Check out the built-in Help (Help > Help Center) for more information on all the capabilities of the Edit Position dialog box.

Once you like the exploded state, click on View > View Manager, select the Explode tab and the New button to give a name to this explode state. This explode state will be stored in the model so you can access it in assembly and drawing mode.

For a movie of an assembly, that's a more in-depth discussion. You're really talking about two different ways to go:
<LI>Via Mechanism mode, you can change your assembly constraints to connections that leave certain DOF unrestrained to allow components to move (i.e., a crankshaft rotating inside an engine housing). You can also apply limits to motion via Joint Axis Settings. Then define Servo Motors on joints to move the components. Create an Analysis where you specify the motors you want and the time domain for a Kinematic Analysis. Once you have run the analysis, from the Playbacks you can use the Capture button to generate an MPEG movie.</LI>
<LI>Via Animation mode, you can incorporate Mechanism Motors, Saved Views (to simulate the "camera" position), and Component Drag (to have components fly in and out) to document things like assembly and disassembly procedures, and then save the animation to MPEG.</LI>[/list]

These last two are really in-depth processes, and your best bet is to use the Help Center to read more about this functionality.
Hi i can give you another suggesion

goto the site and download

screen hunter free soft ware for creating jpeg image and

auto screen recorder free for moving files

both are free to download



