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To enclose text with circle in NOTES


New member

I have to type a note in drawing which is enclosed in a circle similar to box


In WF2 help topics, it is reffered to ascii characters in INSTALLATION AND ASDMINISTRATION GUIDE, but I am not able to find such file.

If anyone has some idea about similar functionalites or some help files in this regard, please let me Know.


With regards,

Balloon notes consist of text enclosed in a circle. Pro/ENGINEER adds them to a drawing as a regular note. When you enter multiple lines of text for the balloon note, it encloses each line within a balloon, and stacks the balloons horizontally.

You can restrict the size of a balloon using the max_balloon_radius and min_balloon_radius drawing setup file options to set the maximum and minimum allowable balloon radii.

In drawing mode pick INSERT/BALLOON.
dr_gallup said:
Balloon notes consist of text enclosed in a circle. Pro/ENGINEER adds them to a drawing as a regular note. When you enter multiple lines of text for the balloon note, it encloses each line within a balloon, and stacks the balloons horizontally.

You can restrict the size of a balloon using the max_balloon_radius and min_balloon_radius drawing setup file options to set the maximum and minimum allowable balloon radii.

In drawing mode pick INSERT/BALLOON.


Thanks for your Reply.

But my problem is not with ballons. Just refer to the pic attached. Do U have idea about entering some special characters for making Super & Subscripts, to enclose text in boxes. These things we will do at the time of some desc. or Revision note.View attachment 1233

Expecting in the form ascii characters..........


with regards,


In proe2001 we use for subscript [@-text@#] and for superscript we use [@+text@#], replace the text string with the textyou want to make super/subscript. (this is according to Pro/Engineer Fundamentals of Drawing Training Guide Release 20.0, lesson 7, page 5 & 6)

There is no assci code to put text in circles. There is no Pro/E special character to put text in circles. You can define a symbol with variable text if you want.

We use the attached symbol "cherry" to show changes at revision levels. It only allows interger values, you will have to redefine it if you want alpha characters. Add the symbol to your drawing then imbed the symbol in a text string using: &sym(cherry)

