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Tolerance display in model


New member
I'd like to know (for both WF2 and WF4) if there is a way to hide the display of the tolerance block in the lower right corner of the window, but still show tolerances when you right-click a feature and click "edit"?

I know I can hide the tolerance block by the config setting "tol_display no" but then this also hides the tolerances while editing features. Is there no middle ground? We don't use a mindless tolerancing schemewhere I work, but we still use tolerances!
Are you using tolerances to IT grades or use ANSI standard?
If you are using the ISO system of tolerancing...Edit-
>setup-->tol setup-->Standard --> ISO/DIN.
When you set it to ISO/DIN, the tolerance chart shown at
the right bottom corner will vanish.
If you are using ANSI standard, I do not know.


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