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Tolerances in Part Mode


New member
I have searched and read the forums. But still having problem getting them to display in a part. I have opened existing parts, created new ones, restarted Pro.

Still nothing shown in the part window. Running WF3.0 M040

Config setting are:

tol_mode = nominal

tol_display = yes
Are you talking about in the drawing or in the model? This is basic but have you checked TOOLS>ENVIRONMENT>DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCE DISPLAY?
Yes, the box is checked. I have added tol_display = yes

I think its a bug or something, Or i am a idiot, I sure hope its a bug>


Tol_mode = nominal will NOT show any tolerances on your designed dimensions as that is the nominal value.

Try tol_mode = Limts and see what you get displayed.
ok, let me explain my goal. My goal is to be able to select a tol type (fine, medium, coarse, very course) and have a different set of tolerances for each type. I want those tolerances to be displayed on the drawing.

I also want to be able to see the tolerances while in model mode. I know there is a way to show the little tolerance block while modeling the parts. and you can also double click and modify those values right there.

Ican't seem to get the correct combination of things within my to get this to work. i have used linear_tol_0_0 thro linear_tol_0_0000. to NO success. i am hoping I just need another config option to get this to apply.

Please help

1. I have my settings like yours:

tol_mode = nominal

tol_display = yes

Then in part I select a feature, clickedit the dimensions apear, I left click on a dimension and right click to select properties, then in the window that apear I set tolerance mode plus/minus and add the values for tolerances.

This is for dimension tolerances.

2. If you want to show geometric tolerances you need to first seta datum edit/ setup/ geom tol/ set datum. Then to add a geometric tolerance edit/ setup/ geom tol/ specify tol and add it to the dimension.

Now every time I click on that feature and edit that dimension has tolerances.

View attachment 3001

I performed a search on my config and got these for tolerances, see if you have the same:

View attachment 3002

But I think only tol_display=yes is the one you need or maybe the first one in the list, and if it doesn't work you may have a bug.

Edited by: vlad1979
Vlad, I can get the tolerance to show in the actual dim's. I am actually looking to get the tolerance block to show up in my graphics window. They woul be the default tolerances coming from the start part. I now you can have them shown on WF2,I hope you can get them on WF3.
Jgray, if it is the tolerance block that you are looking for like the one posted by dr_gallup, its under your environment options, top option of "Dimensional Tolerances"

That is exactly what i am looking for. I have everything checked for it to show, but it doesn't show.

It must be a bug, or a install problem on my end. Thanks for all the help though..



All the enviroment setting does for me is add the tolerance to the dimensions. So if I edit a feature, the dimensions show up with a tolerance when checked, and no tolerance when unchecked.

Edited by: jgray_globus
dr_gallup said:
View attachment 3006
Is that what you want? It is there but the text is faint and hard to see compared to WF2. The screen shot is WF3 M040.

This is what I thought you were talking about. Recently I've found many issues with pro-e while doing my current project. VERY annoying issues like when using connections, when I regenerate, save and then bring the model back up the connections are blown all over the place like a porn star in an orgy. I really hope what I'm seeing has been fixed from 2.0 to 3.0.

