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Total #s in column in a table

there is great help in build in wildfire for that.

your looking to use the "summation" command.

table--->repeat region--->summation

then click on the cell in the column u want to add up. then pick the
location of the total? off the top of my head. in the wildfire help
just goto "detailing" then do a search for summation. its pretty easy

for some reason i can not get it to work in nested repeat regions though.,
Thanks puppet, It does not show how to get it to add 2 seperate cells
together though is there a way to do that? For example the attached pic
has colored columns.. I want to be able to take the two blue columns in
each row and add or multiply them together to get the result in the
green column.View attachment 938
oh thats different

you need to ..

table--->repeat region--->relation---> select your repeat region

enter this into the relations editor

total_cost = rpt_qty * asm_mbr_cost

where cost in the above line is your parameter for the price of the object? maybe you called it something else

then in the 1st cell place of the greens place( like when you do the rpt--->qty thingy)

asm--->mbr--->user defined----> type "total_cost"

update table and .. presto.

then you can do the summation thingy live the previous post to get a grand total
Works great!! Only one thing wrong.. for some reason my sumation does not show up unless I
table--->repeat region--->switch syms. What am I doing wrong here?

have you tried simply updateing your table?

table--->repeat region--->update?

also the location of where you put the summation value shoudl not be in
the repeat region. but rather in a blank cell above or below the colum
That did it.. I had it in a repeat region. Thanks alot
glad to have helped :)

heheh took us a week :) but we finally got there :)

isnt this forum just totally awesome?

