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trajectory rib


New member
How to make trajectory ribs?should i make a plane at a
height up to which i need the rib and then sketch the
Otherwise it shows "The rib cannot intersect solid
geometry at all along the trajectory.".
need some help...

yes, the layout of ribs always has to be on planar face - i.e surface or datum plane. the distance between target surface and plane is the height of ribs

beware - you should avoid situation when the layout of ribs cover the hole below. It will produce error message. Second - trajectory rib tends to automaticaly extend ends of ribs with adjecent surafes. there is no control over it. Same with indication of material side. it is alway symetrical.

at the end - avoid making internal rounds. in lamost all my cases creo fialed to make it right.

I am gonna do my best regarding the snapshots. I am constrained by my private and buisenss time frames a little bit recently, but this should be possible.

Any way - trajectory is fine tool. I really like it, but it has some disadvantage and it is critical to know them at front. some of them ahve been described already.

sanalp - yes. but remmember you can create datum on the fly, while working in intenral environment of trajectory rib.
thanks muadib3d....
I have a question that's slightly related to ribs: what is the best way to create a serie of ribs that do not extend up to the side walls? Or putting it differently, isn't there a way to sketch a couple of lines and then extrude and thicken them? This is possible with the extrude tool using solid thickness as option on the dashborad, but it works only for closed shapes, so if you want to extrude an "H" shaped sketch it doesn't work

you answered the question yourself. That it is - in fact biggest advantage of trajectory rib is that it allows to lay down lines which intersect each other
muadib3d said:
you answered the question yourself. That it is - in fact biggest advantage of trajectory rib is that it allows to lay down lines which intersect each other

Yes but what if I don't actually want a rib but just a feature that doesn't extend up to the right walls? Say I want an "H" shape engraved on the front face of a part


