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Transition area blend


New member
Problem Statement:
I have a window to fuselage transition that I need to blend and I do not understand the correct sequence and/or the proper method to perform the blend.View attachment 5449
I have sketched and created a basic blend, sketched a window and blend region; projected it to the fuselage.
How do I capture the respective segment of the profile curves and incorporate them in my blend?
How do I ensure sound tangency during the blend?
Understandably a boundary blend may not be the correct tool for this task.
Thank you in advance,
Dave (new guy, expanding my tool box)
Edited by: HO-229
why is boundaryblend not the correct tool? seems like it. (maybe i dont understand what you want to do...)

Tobias,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
The blend may be the correct method
When you pick a curve for your surface, rightclick to only get a segment of the curve. ( i assume you mean boundaryblend and not blend?) If you click and get the whole curve, you can also use the draghandles (little white boxes in the end of you curve) to drag then to the right position (using shift key makes youto snap at a vertex).


Edited by: tobbo

Will give it a go tonight, thank you for the insight!

Sorry for any confusion, boundry blend is correct for the method

(Enjoying the speed at which I can define these complex shapes and the fluidness of the design)


Edited by: HO-229
Tobias,<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Thanks again for that data point

