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Transparent part renders appearing opaque


New member
For some unknown reason, I am finding it difficult to correctly render an assembly that contains transparent parts in SolidWorks 2014 x64.
The two parts are supposed to have the same appearance (copied from one to the other), but they do not render in the same way. The trouble is this: one correctly renders as transparent, while the other does not.

Many different parameters have been tweaked (adding lights, increasing transparency, reducing reflections, etc.), but nothing I've tried has worked. In addition to not rendering correctly within the assembly, the problematic part also does not appear transparent in single-part renderings, while the other does. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there something I'm missing?

Attached are the parts.
The one that is rendering correctly is: OuterPlate.SLDPRT
The one that is giving me trouble is: ReelWall.SLDPRT

Any suggestions, comments, or requests for other information I should provide for troubleshooting are most welcome. Thanks very much for your help!


    68.2 KB · Views: 4
    41.4 KB · Views: 2

