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Trick to creating Cylindrical CCYS?


New member
I'm about to pull my hair out right now. For some reason I absolutely can not create a cylindrical coordinate system in Pro/E Wildfire 2.0. There seems to be two issues:

1. When I open the Create Coordinate System dialog, the "Offset Type" where you pick Cartesian, Spherical, Cylindrical, or from File is grayed out.

2. They only way to make the "Offset Type" active is to reference another coordinate system. When I do this, it shows the dimensions in R, z, and theta like it should, but when I click ok it shows up as a Cartesian coordinate system in the model.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
You don't specify the type of Csys during creation. All Csys are created equal and will show the standard Cartesian axis. When you use a Csys for example curve by equation then you can specify how you want to use the Csys.

Drove me nuts a couple of years ago. I printed this out from the help system & keep it posted near my computer:

Pro/ENGINEER always displays coordinate systems with an X-,
Y-, and Z-axis. When referencing a coordinate system to make other features (for
example, a datum point array), the system can interpret the coordinate system in
three ways:


