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Tricking Pro/E with Translated Data


New member
I have a part that was translated from UG to Pro/E. The part is essentiallly a bushing - a small cylinder with a hole in it. The onlyitems in the model treeare a coordinate system and an import feature. This part was then assembled numerous times into a variety of asemblies. Recently, a tool called Proficency (I think) was used to retranslate the part from UG to Pro/E in order to replace the "dumb"feature with parametric features. As youmight imagine, this part now fails component placement in just about every assembly it goes into. The question is: Is there a way to trick Pro/E into thinking the new part geometry is actually the old part geometry? More specifically, can I renumber the surface id's of the new geometry to the surface id's of the old geometry? Or is there a better way all together? Thanks.
I doubt it although i could be wrong. This is more a result of not assembling with default datums as much as possible. I assume you have a company start part with csys and three datum planes. When you immediatly after that insert a axis for the align mating, and then imported your UG export file into the model, these first features would have been the same. Guess its a bit to late now.

You could avoid going into resolve mode when the assembly is opened with config option freeze_failed_assy_comp yes. At least your assemblies will open completely, but you still will have to redefine/reroute the new versioni of the bushing

Come to think of it (just after i pressed post reply :) )

What you could try is

redefine the import feature of the old bushing import

delete all the surfaces but the ones you used for contraining in assembly (I would assume the inner cilinder and the top and or bottom flange).

Then in the same part import the new version

See what happens now, not sure if it will work dho

Yeah, ideally those who asembled the components should have used the defaults, but for some reason they chose not to. Now we are paying the price. Thanks for your help.
try with the replace option.
it prompts u for replacing any assembled component with a new which u can directly select the new surfaces u want to constrain with the main assembly.

