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tricky one


New member
i'm using 2001 and intralink 3.0

a part that is used in a few assemblies has a pn xxx-01 It's been this way for yrs.... the need to create a -02 and -03 is now....

at first i problem... family table it up and i'm done....well i ran into some issues that hopefully someone can help me out with...

first off I need a xxx-generic and then the -01,2,3 under that.... if i create the family table from the open-01the -01 becomes the generic... this is not good... when bringing this part into an assembly the user is prompted for which version to use the options are generic,-02,-03 instead ofgeneric,-01,-02,03....

i've tried all sorts of work arounds (besideds making changes to the part in commonspace which i know can solve my problem)

I tried: saving a copy as -generic, deleted all parts inthe workspace, created family table with -01,-02,-03

the closest i came was having a compare status of name already exists.I had hoped that status would allow me to update and save over but upon updating i recieved errors relating to not being able to update a family member with out updating the table object (who is new and can not be updated!)

I believe it all comes down to the intralink parameter instance? generic? values...

anybody have a way to get around this without entering commonspace??
The only way to do this correctly is to rename xxx-01 into xxx-generic in Intralink. Andcreate -01, -02, -03 instances.

Then you need to replace xxx-generic with xxx-01 instance in assemblies using it.

We do this all the time. Only thing is we don't update assemblies right of way, only at next revision.

One method to try is to create a new generic with the -02 and -03 instances. Check this in. Now check it out, and add the -01 to the generic. Intralink should give you a warning that you are takinga standalone part into a FT. Check in your new generic with all 3 instances.

I used this a lot with Intralink 3.3 and WF1 and WF2.
charleskim said:
The only way to do this correctly
probably right!!!

looslib... i have done everything you have said short of checking in and out the generic...(i moved into different work spaces)...and it didn't do what i wanted...i'm wondering why checking it in and out would make this work differently...i think i'm going to have to give it a try... when you say add the -01 to the generic exactly what do you mean???i was just creating an instance name with -01 and filling in the instance parameters (some cuts that recieve a value of Y)... that is what you mean right??? or is their a way to append an existing part to a generic??

No, you did it right.

You take the generic FT and add a new instance that is the same part number that have as a standalone part. Verify and save the FT. The system will only 'pull' the standalone part into the FT upon check-in, as that is the final step. When you look in CommonSpace, you will see that the old standalone part is now an instance.

