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Trough Equation

This looks like a sweep with a trajectory from a datum curve by equation. Here's my guess how to do this:

1. Create a new part.

2. Click on the datum curve icon and choose From Equation > Done. Select the default coordinate system and Cylindrical.

3. Type in an equation something like:

r = t * diameter

theta = t * 360 * numloops

z = height * sin(t * 360 * numbumps)

where diameter is the diameter of the coil, numloops is the number of rings (looks like 6 or so in this case), and numbumps is the number of peaks in over the course of the coil. These equations might not be exactly correct, but play around with them.

4. Use Insert > Sweep > Protrusion and select this datum curve as the trajectory and make a section that is just a circle.

That should do it...


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