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Turn off version control


New member
I've searched this forum as well as google and found many questions like mine, but no answers yet. I am currently working on integrating ProE (WF2) with a PLM that my company has installed for SolidWorks users. ProE doesn't play nice with it, specifically at the moment because of the versioning used in ProE file names.

So, is there any way to turn off ProE's versioning system? That is, have it save files simply as bracket.prt rather than bracket.prt.1 and then .2, .3, etc.
From my view there is no such option available to limit the Pro/Engineer file version names. This is the one of the best option in Pro/Engineer to have a history of files at any time to roll it back to theold one.

Here i can suggest one thing that is while integratingProE Dataset withPLM always look for the latest version of specific files (example: .prt.12 or .drw.13 ).
I understand the power of the versioning system, and it's fantastic if the company does not want to invest in PLM, however we already have one, and would like a way for ProE to work with it.

I'd like to have our PLM look for only the latest file, which it can do. However, we're using Synergis-Adept, and Adept will not pull parent/child information from the ProE file. This means that the information has to be entered manually. That's all well and good, extremely time consuming, but it works.

The problem arises when someone makes a change, and the filename changes. Now every parent/child reference in Adept has to be updated with the new name. Opening an assembly that uses that part will still pull the old version of the part unless you tell it there is a new version.


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