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Twist , Blend and Sweep Problem


New member
I need some help in twisting a model about an axis using a twist that is defined by a math formula, kinda like using Trajpar function in a sweep. The exact problem is I have to create a rotor, first I must blend between two airfoils, one airfoil shape on one end and another airfoil shape on the other end, this would create a model that is the shape of a wing. Next I must twist this model about an axis that runs within the model and I need to twist the model so that it coresponds to a math formula. Problem I am having is that I am only able to incorporate a linear twist, I am able to define the twist on the first airfoil and on the airfoil on the other end and Pro-E then goes ahead andconnects the two witha twist that I believe is linear. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


This sounds pretty involved. Can you not rotate the airofoil sectionsd relative to each other and then create your blend? Are you using NACA airofoil sections? Is your blendbetween two sections so critical as to be mathematically correct (within reason)? I don't think Pro/E is able to tackle what you're trying to do. You could try the 'Warp' feature, but then this isn't such a precise tool- it's more for freeform deformations. Another way to tacle this would be to define sections at x distance from one airofoil section (after rotating relative to eachother) and using a swept blend through these sections. Other than that, you could use surfacing to create the blend - using curves to define your blend.

Sorry couldn't be more help,

Thanks for the help Phil, after a talk with the Boss about this problem we
decided to use just one airfoil section so that I dont have to use this
blend feature.

