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Type of spline that Pro/E uses


New member
This might not be the correct forum for this topic...

I am creating specific curves in MATLAB and exporting the point files into Pro/E and inserting a datum curve. It is important that I keep the specific curvature (2nd derivative).

SO, what type of spline does Pro/E use when you create a datum curve through points?

I thought it were mainly Nurbs (3rd degree) and B-splines.
I'm very curious to know how you will tackle the user defined weight parameters in the spline.

Best regards,

John Bijnens
I am just sampling points off of the curves created in MATLAB. I am then importing the points into Pro/E, and creating a datumcurve through points.

I was just curious what boundary conditions Pro/E is perscribing to the spline it createswhen usingthe datum curve through points.

Any ideas?

