I have a part, it was very easy to model. I wanted to makea longer part, so I did a "save as copy", edited the length and everything went awry. I have this extrude cut, up to surface that no not only no longer stops at the next surface, it's like it ignores the material in between the sketch plane and the next surface, and then decides to do the cutting...
Pictures are worht a 1000 words...
The good part:
The sketch plane:
The feature dashboard:
The resulting feature:
Any thoughts? Rememer all I did was edit the part's length. Nothing else, and these cut extude decided to do its own thing...
Thanks - BM
Pictures are worht a 1000 words...
The good part:
The sketch plane:
The feature dashboard:
The resulting feature:
Any thoughts? Rememer all I did was edit the part's length. Nothing else, and these cut extude decided to do its own thing...
Thanks - BM