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Unhiding layers while assemblying comp


New member
We recently made an upgrade from WF2 to WF3. And now we came across a problem. In WF2, when I wanted to assemble a component (or replace it by new one) and datum planes of the assembled component were hidden on a layer, I could open Layer Tree, picked arrow button, selected the component in main window and unhidden the layers with datum planes.

Now in WF3, that seems not to be possible. When in assembly mode, no matter if I select the component and unhide the layers, datum planes won't show. Neither in component window nor in main window. Note: Datum planes are only on one layer, which I unhide in the above mentioned procedure.

Is this a bug or is there any option to solve this?
After every hide or unhide operation you must go to view>visibility>save status. It will save layer status and you could see the hide or unhide features every where. Without saving status, hide command works only in session. As soon as you leave session or close part or assy, the status will be back on hide or unhide position.
You can always use "Find" or CTRL-F (at least in WF 2.0) and search for datum planes in any part that is assembled above the part you are assembling. You can select them which will highlight them in the model so you know exactly what you are picking.

Hope this helps.

Pardon my asking the obvious;
you are manually Repainting the screen after Unhiding the layer?
In the situation you describe it's not usually necessary in WF2, but ...

I hope you find resolution. I, too, would consider that to be a problem.
As you've just upgraded; can you call PTC?
I found what was I doing wrong. I was replacing a component and Pro/E needed to redefine its constraints after regeneration. I forgot that on exact the same spot there was another old component placed, so when I wanted to pick it for changing layer settings I actually changed old component layer settings.

So I used pull down menu on layer tree, selected right component and assembled it.

My bad.

