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units and scale in sheet metal


New member
Hi<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I've been an idiot I have juststarted usinga try out version of WF3. I set wf2 up years ago so I didn't think about units before I startedmodeling. Ithought I was working in metric but I was working in thePro E default of inches so I now have a model that is over 25 times to big.I have tried changing the scale of the assembly and I havetriedswapping the units used in the model. The overall dimensions change but this doesn

You say you have 'I havetriedswapping the units used in the model'. Does that mean that you have tried Setup>- Units and change to MKS. If not, try that in the sheetmetal part, that should (?) do it.



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