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can anyone tell me about how to create pattern which can be unpatterned ?

i have an idea that we can get the unpattern option only in dimensional and table pattern.

can anybody help me in this ?
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking but I believe that any pattern can be un patterned by right clicking on the pattern in the model tree and selecting delete pattern.
i'm not asking about deleting pattern. there is an option called UNPATTERN.

if you unpattern a pattern the instances will remain and the parent child relationship alone will be removed.
Unpattern has been available for patterns of groups for a long time. (I started on version 8 and I do not recall when I first used it.)
From the WF3 help documentation
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
Pro/ENGINEER allows you to pattern a single feature only. To pattern severalfeatures, create a "local group" and pattern this group. After you create this group pattern, you can ungroup the instances to modify them individually.
When a feature pattern pattern is a dimension pattern or a table pattern, you can use Unpattern on the shortcut menu to modify the pattern members individually. When you unpattern a feature pattern pattern, the result is a set of feature patterns.</BLOCKQUOTE>
Sounds like you can use the unpattern option only with dimension and table type patterns.
any pattern can be un patterned by right clicking on the pattern in the model tree and selecting delete pattern. This is the most widly used un pattern.
proe_user3000 said:
any pattern can be un patterned by right clicking on the pattern in the model tree and selecting delete pattern. This is the most widly used un pattern.

Unpattern and delete pattern are two totally different things.
I once won 10 bucks as a contractor on this command. Back in 1995 the Pro/E contractors at a major tractor company were all talking at lunch. A question was posed and I answered 'well you would use the 'unpattern' command. Everyone laughed like I was joking. One guy bet only after he looked all over the menu structure for the unpattern command. Boy was he pissed to learn it was hiding under the 'group' options. All the contractors laughed at the guy. That was Pro/E version 16 I think.
thanks for the interest. i found the answer for the problem which i startedwith your help guys. i did unpattern in WF 3.

1.i did an base feature with extrude.

2.i placed another extruded feature above the base feature.

3.then i grouped the last extruded feature alone.

4.then i used dimensional pattern and patterned it.

5.then i UNPATTERNED it.

6.thankyou guys.



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