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Unresolved References


New member
Stump the chump time again. A protrusion fails, I go into sketcher and cannot get a reference to "Update" nor can I "Delete" it. I know what is happening, I just don't have a solution other than deleting the feature and add another identical feature. What is happening is Pro cannot update the sketch without that ghost reference. Pro cannot update it and will not allow it to be deleted. Has anyone come up with a solution for this issue? I can sometimes circumvent the issue by noting the offending reference choosing "X" (exit the sketch) and re-entering the sketch and immediately deleting the problem reference. Unfortunately, this does not work all the time. View attachment 2716
Edited by: donha
I do not wish to start a rant

But, I would put a small wager that this might befixed by changing a setting either in environment or to use no intent manager (strictly for this feature repair only you understand.....)

You will at least be able to get the feature back into a sketcher this way.

As soon as it is repaired be sure to turn your intent manager back on though!

Ps submit the file..... if you're allowed (WF2m180 here)
I have attempted to change to "Legacy" mode, but once in legacy Pro says "You must use Standard mode to redefine this dashboard feature". You cannot switch to the legacy sketcher if you have unresolved references.
Edited by: donha
"sketcher_intent_manager no" in the put me in the legacy sketcher. I am happy to report I could get into the legacy sketcher using this config option. I fixed my section and switched back to "Intent Manager" with all references correct.

Once in the legacy sketcher the following order of repair seems to be best. I found choosing "Geom Tools>Use Edge", then "Geom Tools>Replace", then "Geom Tools>Trim" worked great for repair. Thanks for the config idea.
Edited by: donha


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