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Update the object in session


New member

I want to update the insession object with out closing and reopen the part or asm, in Proe2001 we had the option File>>Replace, which will bring the latest or current status of the object from workspace to session. Do we have the similar option available in WF2 or the option is removed.

I cannot close and reopen the entire asm to update few parts. Is there any solution available for this in WF2?

Check the help file for retrieving a previous version of a file (in Fundamentels Section under ProE menus) as you can just type in the extension of the previous part ie prt.2, prt.3. As for the missing menu can only think its maybe a config option disabled (had a look in my config and can't find anything though didn't look for very long)as it is present on my software.

I tried my best... I still didn't get it. I am using WF2.0, date code:M110. Please let me know if you have it different.

Hi vnavi,

Check the file_open_default_folder in your config, the all version option will not be available only if you use in_session as value, the all version option will only be available if you use default, working_directory, my_documents and pro_library as value...

I just came to know that WF will not have that option while using it with intralink. I could see "all versions" if I open proe with no work space.

Is there any other way to update the out dated objects in sessionwith out closing the asm.
Even with the above option it is not possible for me to reopen all the out dated parts or asm. Because my main asm will be in the same version (ver) only the sub asm or parts may havenew ver or revision. The number of parts or sub asmwill be more.

I am not sure why the option File>>Replace is removed in WF.

My workspace has all the latest objects. But in session I have few out dated objects compared to my latest workspace status. I want to update the session, with new objects, which got updated recently in workspace, with out closing the asm. Tell me if you have any idea!

In 2001 file>Replace will sync the session objects with work space objects, which will update only the out dated objects or modified objects in session but not the entire asm.

I am sorry Hari, yesterday I was off.


