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I work for a company that designs aircraft galleys. We model every piece of hardware ( no threads), every component, every panel. Its really needed to make the process go quickly and smooth from design to planning to manufacturing. These models get pretty big with a few thousand assembly components. When I go to drafting I start a new file and add my galley view as a "part view" (not a "base view" from within the same file). Anyway, it typically takes just a few minutes to place the view. It takes maybe 20 minutes to update a modified view, and it takes maybe an hour or more to show the background on a section view (if the view wasnt originally placed showing the background). Considering that each drawing has 10 views or more this can take a long time, especially when I have to do it several times.

My computer is running 64-bit with 4 gigs of DDR2 800 RAM, intel core 2 6400 @ 2.13 ghz, quadro 560 video card.

Any suggestions on how to speed things up for me?
In your case you have a low-end Nvidia card. Try a FX1500/1700/1800 or 3400 series card. You may also gain by adding more RAm to the machine. If you have a tri-bus, it should have 6GB or 9GB. If you have a dual-bus, then go to 8GB.

