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Updating drawing formats intralink 3.3


New member
We currently have a set of drawing formats that we have been using on our drawings.
They are defined and set read-only in Intralink.

We are now in the process of updating these drawing formats, with the end result having new formats to use on new drawings and drawing revisions.

But we still need to retain the older formats for the existing drawings.

I currently have my new formats in my workspace, and am looking for some direction before I upload them to Intralink.

Should I keep the same format file name?
Or do I need to rename them to keep the older drawings from loosing the older format?

Any suggestions?
if you upload with same name your old drw's will be updated next time you check them out.

Give the new formats another name if you want to keep your old drw's as they are.
Notice that tables in the format will not be updated before you add the format once again in the drawing.
It depend on your needs. I do use them for BOM. And for a nice and easy layout. And a lot of other things.
I do use a table for BOM's

But we insert the table as needed...

I am speaking of the actual format. Which we created with sketched boxes and have text which grabs parameters from the part.
I know. I have the BOM on the format. I have more that 10 formats (A4-A0 in for both parts and asm) On the one for parts I have a table for material spec. one the one for asm I have BOM. Is is a littele more work to do changesd in the formats, but in daily work much easy for the users.

The most of the parameters is show from a table with repeat region and filters. This way I never get "corupted" drawings because a parameter doesn't exist in the part/asm.

But there is many ways to make formats. I have also seen companyes where all was done in a big symbol.

The answer that ankarl wrote is correct. I just try to prevent you to get problems if you have tables on the format.

I am sorry if I confused you
I thought Pro/Intralink would grap the version of the format that applied to the old drawings and check that into the work space?

Will it always grab the current version?
Yes it will always use the latest version, except if you check out "as stored".

If you don't want it to use the new format on old drawings, then you have to give your new formats a new name.

