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Updating Parts in Family Table


New member
I have a simple question. I have a cutout in a container. There is a frame that fits into the cutout. I want the frame to update when the size of the cutout is changed. The relations are simple - make thedimensions of the parts the same as the newdimensions of the cutout.Unfortunately, this isn't working, and I feel pretty certain that it's because the parts are family table parts.

Any way around this?
> because the parts are family table parts

What parts are family table parts?

Shouldn't, in itself, be a problem. Have you
specifically regen'd the parts or Custom regen'd
the top assy?

I'm sure there's lots of room for specific
procedural problems. If you can't get it working
try whipping up a simplified example and posting?

Edited by: jeff4136
I assume the cutout and frame are parallel to each other. And the container is the parent, the frame is its child. If so, have you tried UseEdge in assembly mode? In the assembly, activate the Frame part, and sketch with UseEdge the cutout. This will omit writing relations.

Or Copy Geom the cutout diameter to the frame (given that you define the placement of the frame permanently.

Or zip the file so some of us can tinker it
Well, thanks for your help, but the answer turned out to be pretty strange. Somehow I had the wrong dimensions chosen for my relations. Which brings me to another question: do any of you know how to search for a given dimension? Can I somehow search for d0:58, for example? I'd love to know how I chose the wrong dimensions, since this was as simple a scenario as you can imagine. What the heck dimensions did I choose, anyway? I don't even see these dimensions anywhere, let alone know how I could have possibly chosen them!

Thanks again for your suggestions, though. Being new to Pro-E (I'm from the Unigraphics world), there are still certain techniques I've never used. Could either of you post a simple step-by-step for how to do these things? I sure would appreciate it.
also I think you can find a certain dim with ctrl-f

don't have pro running right now...but seems like I have done that before
like trill is showing the search tool...ctrl-f and the binnoculars<?> icon also if you're doing relations put the switch<toggle> dims icon on your toolbar, it lives under infoView attachment 3300

nice thing about search tool is it will highligt the dims when you click on them in the left box

I'm dead in the water... have virus scan running
You can narrow down the search using the Look In option (top right of my previous screen shot).

In the case of unknown model names, use the Arrow (below the Look In option) to select any models.

Use this really well, this is one path to become a Power User.
I'm working towards efficient and capable right now.
I did use Look In - that's sharp.

I used to be a professional musician in my younger days, and knew a few Power Users, but that was a different story.
so what do you play Verge? and do you still? I know I'm getting off topic, but hey there is more to life than ProE....well maybe

also what type of music?
I play the drums, also a little guitar here and there. I used to play drums professionally - it's funny, though, I'm an awful lot better drummer now than I was then. At the time I was playing steadily, I played original funk rock-type stuff, really "indie"(meaning never had a dime). I also played some blues at the time. Now I'm really into all types of jazz mostly.

In my musician days, I also worked for a non-profit environmental group for a number of years, so I can appreciate your signature. I have kids myself, and often wonder what the heck's gonna happen to the planet in their lifetimes (let alone my own)!

And, yes, there is more to life than Pro-E!

Play any instruments yourself?
No , don't play...but certainly enjoy music... wide spectrum

funny was just looking at some lyrics

do you remember the 80's song

Someone's watching me.... found the band name ...Rockwell , I was wondering who did it.... one of those one hit wonders :)

