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Upgrading from Pro/I 3.3 to 3.4


New member
We are currently running Wildfire 2.0 and Intralink 3.3. From what I understand, we cannot upgrade to Wildfire 3.0 without also upgradingIntralink...

Just looking for opinions here... Is it worth the hassle of upgrading to Intralink 3.4? And how difficult is that upgrade, anyway? I'd hate to spend a lot of time upgrading everything -- and causing my users to have some required downtime -- if the benefits aren't worth the efforts.

Just curious... Thanks...
For Wildifre 4, you will need to eventually migrate to Intralink 8.

I would do the Intralink 8 upgrade now and be prepared for the end of life for Intralink3.x.
Intralink 8.0 scares me. I do not know many people who are using it, but those who are using it are not crazy about it. And reading the thread about it right here in this forum is not helping.

My users are not always happy to change things up, especially if it's a drastic change. And ESPECIALLY if something is not an impovement. At this point, I would feel MUCH better about going to 3.4, which I understand is functionally not much different than 3.3. I also don't mind staying on 3.3 (and thus WF2) for the time being...
There are a few little annoyances in 3.4 that don't exist in 3.3, for the most part won't notice much difference.

Biggest annoyance I have foundin 3.4 is putting a * in front of the search term(ex *123*.*) makes the search run and run a really long time like minutes, where putting 123*.* runs in a few seconds.

I don't think it is a really big deal to go to 3.4, at this point you have until the middle of 2008 for support on 3.x with PTC. I am waiting for Intralink 8 to show some improvements. Right now running Data Management on 2 servers to try and get some performance is unacceptable especially when you can run Intralink on just about any server with decent performance. For our company we are talking a 30-40k investment to go to Intralink 8.0 and we do not see any reason to spend it especially if we lose performance.

As for the migration of 3.3 to 3.4 here is the suggested technique, step by step:

