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Use J/Link to update pattern table


New member
I am looking for a way to update a pattern table using values calculated from Java.

Here is what I am doing.

I have a part that has varying cuts up the edge. I never know for
sure how many cuts will be there or where they will be located.
They are controlled using boolean input params and then number
parameters for the CL of each cutout and the length. I need to
have holes located between each of the cutouts and I need to have them
equally spaced between the cuts to a 16" O.C. max spacing.

Since Pro/E does not have an array function, I created a J/Link program
to pull in the parameters, determine if the cutouts are there, put the
start and stop locations into an array (using the CL and height params
to determine these values), sort the array, then determine the number
and spacing for each set of holes between the cutouts.

This is working fine up to this point. However, I had hoped to
use a pattern of holes and using a pattern table, update the dimensions
based on these values.

This is where my problems come in. I cannot find a way to update
a pattern table to use these new dimensions. The J/Link docs seem
to only provide methods for updating the leader, and parameters
controlling the pattern.

A pattern table seems to be the best idea for doing this. Even if
I could update a pattern relation I may be okay, as I will know which
instances need to "jump" the cutout. But it seems J/Link has no
way of doing this.

Any ideas?

My latest idea is to create a number of curve patterns in Pro/E.
Then create a relation inside of Pro/E that calculate the spacing of
the hole pattern using the length of the curve. I should then be
able to update each of these curves' lengths and offsets in Java.
I can then regen the model to accept these changes.

The main problem with this is, I will need to supress the curves that
are not in use, not to mention I will need to create a lot of overhead,
with these additional features for each set of holes.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


