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User Interface Redundancy 2012


New member
So this is happening when I Edit a component in an
assembly. Any ideas?

Welcome to the forum

Before and after pic would help. But I see your
duplication Issue. I'd recommend customizing your
Shortcut Toolbar default S key shortcut.

This gives you a customized toolbar for whatever mode
you are in Sketch, Part, Assembly etc. This shortcut appears
at your cursor location and to customize it you can
display it by hitting S then Right Click on any portion of
the Shortcut Toolbar and it will allow you to drag
icons/flyouts to it as you do with the Command Manager.
One Drawback to command manager is if you close it
whatever named tabs get turned into toolbars :(

I predict that it's showing the toolbar with the most
assembly functions/settings basically the transparency
settings which are helpful in an assembly. You are
probably expecting the features Tab to be active.
SolidWorks does not prevent you from having 20
identical icons like your duplicate edit and no assembly
refs icons. I've also seen cases where some icons have large
icons and others have smaller.

Or most likely you do not have Admin Access to registry
settings of solid works and have some idiot microsoft
only knowing IT guy or overly restrictive management
rules at your company. At least you can be happy some IT
person from an office in cincinatti logged into your PC
and spying on you which happened at one company I
worked for. I hate the default tools in the solidworks
tabs which are only the most widely used and do not
include many icons you may normally use.

SolidWorks has for a long time given excuses as to why
SolidWorks won't properly save your settings if using
copy settings wizzard while the program is open
requiring multiple restarts. SolidWorks 2013 has fixed
many incredibly stupid problems with their software but
probably opened others as most software companies
usually do.

If you make changes in the Tools Options while no
SolidWorks parts are open and close out of solidworks
then restart. If youor changes to options are not
maintained tell your IT guy you need access to the
folders in the registry used by solidworks.
I will not detail that info right here cause hopefully
your IT guy has at least graduated High School without

Another Option is to try restarting SolidWorks at least
once a day. SolidWorks deserves a Lunch Break too.

Edited by: mjcole_ptc

