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Using reference axis in "move body"


New member
I want to move to bodies inside one part. One body has to have contact with another.

1. I added one part to another via "insert->part"
2. In "move body" feature there is option to use constraints to contact two bodies. But...

I can use each body's parts - surfaces, edges, points, and so on,
but I can't use reference axes and reference points.

Rimma said:
Try to use filter of elements.


I haven't got problems with selecting these reference geometry components.

But if I choose one of reference components (axis, point, surface, etc.) I can't select any other item - neither reference components from second body, nor any body's element. So if I choose reference components I can't accomplish to fill in all requested things in the dialog box.

I hope You understood what I mean.

Best regards,

