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using the warp tool on an assembly


New member

I am pretty new at this so if I am going about this all wrong, please feel free to tell me so...

I am making a series of adjacent hollow cells of irregular shape. All of these cells need to decorate a portion of a spherical surface. It would be a lot easier for me if there was a way to make the collection of cells in a plane and then bend the whole plane into the shape I want. I have figured out how to do bend an individual cell using the warp tool, but it will be a whole lot of warping to do that to each cell individually... Is there a way that I can warp an assembly? What about a way to treat an assembly as a part, or convert it to a part?

There is a way to combine assembly parts into one part... do a search on it. I found it once, but cant remember
john.w.dailey said:

What about a way to treat an assembly as a part, or convert it to a part?


Hey John, Ok I had a little poke around for you to see how I managed to do this before. There may be an easier way but this works.

1). Open your assembly which contains the bits you want as one part. Create a New Part within the assembly.

2). Leaving the assembly as the active feature, go to Edit > Component Features > Merge.

3). It then prompts you to give it the part to perform the merge to... select your New Part that you created in the assy.

4). Then it asks you to select the parts you wish to merge ( from your assy ). Select those and then just select wether you want it as a copy or not. You have to say that for each part you are trying to merge.

Once thats all done, you can right click and Open your New Part in your model tree and find all those assembly pieces are now as one part file.

Hope that Helped.
Thanks skint, I'll give that a try when I get back to my desk.

design-engine, do you have another suggestion for how to go about this? like I said, I am new at this, so I don't know what other ways of doing this are available. Can I project a 2d sketch onto a hemisphere and then extrude radially?


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