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Using the Wrap Feature

Team SoliD

New member
Can anyone help.

I am a fairly new user to ProE but have reasonable experience in Solidworks and Acad. I am trying towrap a sketch onto a cylinder so I can cut into the cylinder.The Wrap feature works very good but I get as far as wrapping the profileand I am unable to use it to cut into the cylinder.

I also tried to use the Trim function but i'm doing somthing wrong.

This is my file :

Can someone please advise me of how to use this command correctly or maybe direct me to the correct command to use. I have exhausted my patience in searching thehelp menu.

View attachment 4569
Edited by: Team SoliD
I'm making some assumptions as to what you are trying but if all those squares are in one sketch your not going to be able to cut them all at the same time. One way to do this is create a sketch with a single square, wrap it onto the cylinder, select the wrap curve geometry so it bold red and copy and paste. You can then pattern the copied curve geometry using an axis pattern and then create a pattern of the pattern using a directional pattern (doesn't matter if you direction pattern first or axis pattern). Create the first trim with the first copied curve instance and pattern it. On the pattern dashboard for the reference type select both to reference pattern in both directions. The other options will pattern eitherthe first columnalong the length of the cylinder or the first row around the cylinder depending on how you create the patterned pattern.

View attachment 4570

View attachment 4571
Thanks !

It works ! realy nice!

