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Using Variable section sweep tool


New member

I've got a part looking like this:
View attachment 2244
And would like to make an edge in the doorhole, for a door (so it doesn't "fall in"). But - I don't know how, when the existing edge is made using Variable section sweep tool.

Maybe I did it the wrong way from the beginning?
The part file can be dl here: (I guess? :))

Thanks a lot for any help on this!


<a href="uploads/mantic/" target="_blank">
I am sorry, I could not understand ur problem exactly, plz make a sketch or picture and tell us what u want??
I don't see how that could work? The plane where the extrusion would be, isn't flat - its bended .... like, with a radius..? If you know what I mean?
something like this?

View attachment 2256

there's many ways to skin a cat. this was just simple sketch curve a up to surface protusion.cut thru all with an offset dtm. from the bottom then made surface with cap ends that overlaps .5 all around the box and finaly solidify the surface removing the material not needed. then draft the sides and round corners.
Can you do the same, when the box behind the round surface is bigger than the hole? So it becomes a feature on the rounded surface, rather than on the box?

Thanks for your efford! :)
It seems to me that the edges you've made are a part of the box behind the front (the round/bended shape)?

But in the part I've made, the hole for the box is smaller than the actual box behind...
Mkay... But the picture you show above here, still havent got a big room behind a small hole? The room is still ie 20x30 like the door - I'd like the door to be ie 20x30 and the room maybe 30x40(x20)
revising,modifying or updating ur deisgn is the least of ur worries once you have establish ur DESIGN INTENT(very powerfull word's) just remember keep ur modeling as simple and easy as it can be. The person after you isn't going say &@#%$*"" about you.

View attachment 2258
Edited by: arroyopr
offset the curved surface

extrude the profile or outer shape to intersect with the offset

merge them


Is that what you mean?

I don't know what you mean by that miked - I don't understand the Pro/E language yet :)

Arroyopr> I heard those words before actually :) Maybe in a tutorial... But it still doens't help me :/

edit: I'm not sure if you understand my problem right :/ I've got the part, and I want to make an edge in the doorhole for the door - so you could imagine a door lying in the doorhole without falling in.... BUT, I also want the room beneath to be larger than the hole itself...

Edited by: mantic
My question is, How are going to manufacture this part( machine,sheetmetal,weldign to parts,creating a mold,etc.?) diferents metholds, diferents actions if you know what i mean.

