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my trip to Utah was a blast. broke my hand not long ago and still managed to teach a surfacing class. When I teach on on-site class i try plan two weekends so to see the sites. This trip, Jered, my host gave me a tour of the local sam's club department store showing the specific product on the shelf. Tour of the LDS temple. Miller Motorsports Park... the go-carts were cheap because of the cold... i almost beat everyone w/ one hand. Then we visited the Miller Motorsports Ford museum. Then we met late with the CEO of T-Splines Matt Solderberg who was kind enough to meet with Jered and I and give us insite into how to use T-Splines.
take a look at the pics.
there is more than one brake on this hand. see if you can point them out?
a little GA red clay to remind me I am not super human. to go with my southern accent...
pre crash photo. seated: Joe Moris - art director of marlboro racing. Mark W. took an Alias class from design engine and came over to Road Atlanta to take photos in the pits and me (right pre crash) Today was Joel Koster's first track day.
Joel teaches the Alias, Maya and Photoshop classes.
me teaching the week long surfacing class with one arm.
basket goal about to go into the powdercoat heater. notice i took my cast off.
i can easily create more surfacing material from the photos from the miller motor sports Ford museum.
expect an article or blog post on these museum photos
corner speed anyone?
CEO of T-splines Solderberg and me... see how swollen the hand is. surgery is scheduled for next week when i get back to Chicago. now i have two pins holding the right meta carpal together while tendons tension and healing occurs.
Edited by: design-engine
take a look at the pics.

there is more than one brake on this hand. see if you can point them out?

a little GA red clay to remind me I am not super human. to go with my southern accent...

pre crash photo. seated: Joe Moris - art director of marlboro racing. Mark W. took an Alias class from design engine and came over to Road Atlanta to take photos in the pits and me (right pre crash) Today was Joel Koster's first track day.
Joel teaches the Alias, Maya and Photoshop classes.

me teaching the week long surfacing class with one arm.

basket goal about to go into the powdercoat heater. notice i took my cast off.

i can easily create more surfacing material from the photos from the miller motor sports Ford museum.

expect an article or blog post on these museum photos

corner speed anyone?

CEO of T-splines Solderberg and me... see how swollen the hand is. surgery is scheduled for next week when i get back to Chicago. now i have two pins holding the right meta carpal together while tendons tension and healing occurs.
Edited by: design-engine