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Variable components in an assembly


New member
I'm looking for a way to create components that have variable properties, similar to family tables, but with any arbitrary value. For example, I would like to have a pipe component that I can place in an assembly, then set the size or length.

Right now I can add a part to an assembly and modify the dimensions, either directly or with relations. However, if I add several instances of a part to the assembly, changing the properties of one changes all others. Having multiple copies of the parts works, but is too difficult to manage.

Any thoughts?
You could add a part to the family table each time you need a new pipe
length then when you change the length dimension, only that instance
will change. Pro/E will warn you that you are changing a family-table
driven dimension when you try and alter it in the assembly, but it
still works.

You've probably already discouted that option, so if you have the
advanced assembly you could use flexible components which, to quote PTC
mean "Varied dimensions can be associated with a measurement in the
assembly context"

Hope this helps


