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variable draft


New member
Hi all -

I am looking for a way to add variable draft to a surface, besides the obvious swept cut or protrusion. I have two halves of a "clamshell" design coming together. The surfaces that are coming together have an arc that is tangent at the seperation point. (picture a box with bowed sides) I want to add texture to the acutal parts, and the fact that they two halves are tangent at that point doesn't allow for any texture right at the edge. I'd like to draft the surface from 3
do all as you make simple draft, right click on angle node and select "add angle" like in pic. you can add as many as you need.
I don't think I would ever use a tool like this. I like the control I get from a swept surface over the variable draft. I guess it's easier to control the variable section sweep.

