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Variable for a Part


New member
I know what I want, but I don't know if there is anything like it. Sometimes configs can be to restrictive, is there a way to ask for input when a part is loaded to set a driven item (e.g. panel thickness) -jim-
No, what I was looking for is a way to ask a question as the part loads, such as:

"Panel Thickness?"

a parameter that would offset the washer & nut. Pie in the sky, I know.
If you save it as a Library Part when you bring it in you can have the user enter part information for named variables much like you do for toolbox or 3D content central parts.

I don't think that "If Then" statements are possible in Solid Works or (>=) and (<) equations to set limits for certain dimensions.

However according to Solid Works it can be done with visual basic
"It is possible to use the Visual Basic IIf function when specifying a
model dimension. This function returns one of two values depending on
the evaluation of an expression."


