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Variable round option in Proe WFs

Asho Pulsar

New member
Hi Folks,

I remember, last couple of years back i have used variable rounds in Proe 2001.Varable rounds in the sense, at one particular edge two coners have different radius. Now it seems to be there is no such kind of option in Proe-WFs. Instead of that i am doing swept blend to do the same functionality.

I am just curious to know. What could be the reason for avoiding that option in the upgraded versions?
Edited by: Asho Pulsar
Make your standard round, put your mouse over the dimension shown in the preview and RMB, select add dimension. Pro/E will automatically add dimensions at endpoints but you can add more by doing the same thing again.
Sweet input dr_gallup!!

You can also just rightclick in the "background" and choose " make variable" in the popup menu. The same way around...if you change your mind and want a constant round , rightclick in background and choose "make constant" .

Another cool thing is that you can add more "radius control points" (or whatever you want to call them) by doing what dr_gallup just described " put your mouse over the dimension shown in the preview and RMB, select add dimension". so, a radie can have a lot of different values....

When you got your variable radie , look under the "sets" tab and you see the values there.

Another way to acchive a variable radie (using round tool !! ) is toforce the round to follow a curve instead....


Edited by: tobbo
depends upon the application I guess. I don't like variable round so much because i cant control how light reflects off the geometry.I prefer most applications the use of managing where the tangency line will exist and sweeping (or boundary surface) the geometry. More control = more happy manager, design team = better

Don't get me wrong I will slam in a variable round on occasion tho.
Edited by: design-engine

