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variable section sweep problem


New member
hi, i have been trying to create a variable section sweep and can not find why it is not being created. once i have sketched the cross section i do not geta yellow preview of what the section will look like and this is my first sign that it is not going to work. please could someone tell me what the main things are that make a variable section sweep fail.

your cross section should touch all the curves selected except the governing curve.

Which version of ProE are you using?

Also, since you are doing a "variable" section sweep, there should be at least 2 cross sections. Each cross section must have the same number of elements, and make sure that you select the correct "start point" for each cross section, or you feature will come out "twisted".
Hi Allan/Israr,

The minimum c/s required for variable section sweep is one I think you are referring to Blend.Also it is not necessary that the c/s shouldtouch all the trejectory if it doesnot then that curve will not be considered for the VSS.Checkmate could you please send the pic of the curves you are considering for VSS so that we can try and give you a solution.


Deepak Bhat
yea thanks guys, i am using WF 1 student edition

these are the pics, its for a watch strap,

first i made a graph to power my variable section,


these are the strap curves i want the section to follow


here they are selected with their ends all level


here is the cross section and the relations for the dimensions of the end points.


and here it is after i have specified the cross section and there is no yellow preview of what the feature should be.


the curves the section follows do go through solid but i have done that before, the ideawas to create it as a surface, trim it and then solidify it so i don't thinkthat should be the problem and so i don't know what is.
Your cross section should be the thickness and width of the strap. It looks to me like you are trying to sweep a section that is larger than the smallest radius on your trajectory.
Are you usingsplines? For a variety of reasons, they don't work well with VSS. If so try using conics instead.
no the section is not larger than the radius of the trajectory i don't think.

i was using splines and i now tried using conics but no luck. for future attempts did you mean the trajectory shoulud be conic or the cross section, i did both!

also when i go into options and check constant section then the yellow preview of the section appears, but obviously i loose the variableness of my section.
This is my favorite.

It is more like a variable trajectory sweep is it not? What is this part or product? Looks kinda like a Nike Wrist watch at first. Hummm?

Why do you want to use a variable section sweep in this case? I think I would use a boundary tool instead.

Can you upload it?

Edited by: design-engine
Might be helpful to look at your datum graph aswell, Just remember there can be no vertical lines in ur datum graph if your going to use trajpar.

i depending on what ur final outcome is to be i also would lean towards boundry surfacing to make that feature.
Oh.. I did not see the trajpar there. Are you trying to use trajpar just to use trajpar? When you are trying to figure things out do it first on a simple example. Get trajpar to adjust between and drive diameters or RO values then take what you learn to a more difficult example. Not a rule but a good confidence test.
sorry design-engine, was my question mumbled again? it is a wrist watch, and the idea of trying to use a vairiable sweep section is that the strap will get thicker at the watch but i guess i will have to try something different. as for doing it on something simple first, i did and it worked fine! and i haven't got the foggyest why it isn't working now.

and no there are no vertical lines in the graph.

there's always more than one way to skin a cat, but I still think your splines are what's the problem here. If you can, upload the model so we can take a closer look.
I got a wrist watch tutor that I have started however I
wanted to do it a different way before I lock technique to tutor if you know
what I mean.

View attachment 2615
uses ISDX and Latice Structure to make one hellofa
robust model.

Edited by: design-engine
whatever... are your curvestangent or perpendicularto the watch body? Don't ask me why, but this might also cause some issues. Try togive thema slightangle & see what happens. Otherwise I agree that surfaces might be the better alternative.
delete yor relations..

now, using the maximum and minimum values of your graph, see if you can modify your sketch to suit those dims.. if not it's your sketch problem..

if yo uuse a single trajectory, will it work? (I know the result is diferent -but just to test..)


