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Variable Section Sweep - Remote Control


New member
I'm trying to follow a tutorial showing how to make an Remote Control.
I created four curves and now I'm trying to do a Variable Section Sweep.
I can't get one of the curves to work.
I've done some reading about the sweep tool here at the forums, but most of the posts are a bit to complicated for me. Hope you don't mind me "doubleposting". Thanks. Here's a picture illustrating my problem :

View attachment 1286
Some ideas:

Looks like your sketch is not 'aligned' to the bottom curve, but just the two side curves. Try redefining your sketch.

Also, if your part is symmetric, you would only need three curves. one is a mirror of the other and thus could be eliminated by using a symmetry constraint in your sketch.

If your section is a semi-circle or circular arc, make sure the center of the arc is not alinged to anything (except maybe the vertical plane), as it will need to float up and down along the part.


View attachment 1288
Edited by: Brian_Adkins
It works, but I really didn't do anything except draw the arc one more time..Now I'm trying to make it not work again

You have to selec the curves in the correct order start with origin then pick a curve either of the curves on top datum then the one on front datum and that should do it. Also make sure your sketch for the section had snapped to all the reference points proe has made for you

p.s Brians method will give you a more robust model using a symmetry constraint, this will allow for easiermodification if required later on. Design intent is paramount!

hope ive been of some help happy modelling

It works perfectly! One mistake I did was to draw the curve and the horisontal line in one single sketch.
I don't know if this has any impact on the result, since it worked, but anyways..
I'm a little confused by something Brian said ;

"one is a mirror of the other and thus could be eliminated by using a symmetry constraint in your sketch."

Do i make the constraint in my sketch or just mirror the object after the sweep?
I mirrored after i completed the sweep..

I have one more tiny question :
Is there a way to draw the arc without any help lines?
I can't use a circle either, since I don't know where to put the center..
Here's a little photo :
View attachment 1291

I really appretiate your help!!

Edited by: Nborg
he means the top two curves (on the top datum) can you see he has only one, either way will do either mirror or define a symmetry constraint as brian has, what do you mean help line, I presume you mean the horizontal and vertical lines?

always happy to help people like your goodself!

cheers Paul
With help lines I mean extra lines so that I can draw the arc correctly. I can't do it without. But this is really not that important, I'm just beeing annoying:)

I assure you that I will take advantige of you guys beeing so helpful!

Edited by: Nborg
You should be able to! However I reccommend drawing construction lines to aid you just draw your lines and right click on them select construction they will appear as dashed lines

If you dont know ask, I always do!you are not being annoying merely inquisitive


